How to Effectively Promote Your Blog on Social Media in 9 Ways
Make your blog stand out on social media...
Do you invest a lot of time in producing blog posts of the best quality? Do you fully concentrate on the advantages of your content marketing? If not, you could not be properly promoting your material.
It is not very wise to use sponsored advertisements to promote your blog, unlike corporate websites. But what other choices are available? Of course, SEO and social media marketing.
Additionally, because we have already covered SEO for blogs in another topic, today we will briefly explore how to promote your blog on social media.
Try conducting a poll among webmasters, marketers, or bloggers to find out what they believe the social media promotion of blogs means. According to the majority, it refers to posting links to your blog on your profile or page on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+. However, completing this is only half the battle.
So, if you're ambitious and want to go beyond well-known social networking sites to "sell your blog on social media," we recommend reading on for some incredibly useful advice on how to make your blog stand out on social media.
Here are some tips on how to make your blog entries shareable on social media and some uncommon social networks (outside of the usual suspects like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) to do it on.
1. Interesting, Practical, or Shocking Content
Although this advice has little to do with social media marketing, it is the crucial initial step that ensures the success of all the other actions we've discussed today.
Your social media audience wants to appear hip and intelligent through the content they share. They won't simply share stuff, in other words.
Therefore, the content you create must be interesting, helpful, and comprise special knowledge that is hard to come from elsewhere. The manner you offer your material must be compelling enough for your social media savvy users, even if it is available elsewhere on the web.
Readers will be drawn to your blog article despite its substance if the title and graphics are captivating. Let's quickly review these two components of content development.
Interesting Titles
You might gain greater visibility if you slightly alter the tone and style of the headlines of your postings. This is due to the likelihood that many people who subscribe to your blog's RSS or email updates also subscribe to other blogs in your industry. A catchy title may prevent you from getting lost in the multitude of information lists in your feedreader or inbox.
View a screenshot of a list of blog names from a feed reader as an example. In addition, the reader will be tempted to open it with each of the titles displayed. If the reader eventually finds the article engaging, they will spread it.
The focus of social media is on attractive, vibrant images. People will be less likely to share your blog if it lacks a distinctive/recognized opening image (as we use at WooRank, for instance) or any image at all. Instead of me going into further detail about this criteria, why don't you take a look at our blog to see how we use photographs?
Free tools for making blog graphics, like Canva, are available to assist. Infographics, which are images with content, are another thing you may share. In our earlier piece on the subject, we provided links to some free infographic creation tools.
Images that are interesting will draw in more social media users. Connections will presumably re-post and share as a result.
2. Include Social Media in Your Blog
By including social media in your blog, we mean bridging the gap between your content and well-known social media platforms. Visitors to your blog require a simple way to interact with it and share its material on social media, which should be incorporated within your website.
These integrating features could take the shape of share buttons, social media logins, social media buttons that encourage reader interaction with your blog (Facebook likes, Twitter follows), social media logins that encourage reader comments on your blog, and so forth.
On other blogs, there are seven or eight social networking buttons, which is excessive. Make sure your social media following is substantial enough to justify a button (other than the usual Twitter and Facebook).
Your readers may become irritated by too many social media share buttons, which will reduce the number of social shares. Additionally, putting up pointless social media widgets could make your page load slower.
3. Post Links to Your Blog on All of Your Social Media Accounts
Go to the readers if they aren't coming to your website. Share your blog entries as far as you can on social media. Since it's not complicated, you presumably already do this. However, if you do some things correctly, your work will be aided:
Share content on a regular basis. Do not share them all at once for one week before disappearing the next. Use scheduling tools to make sure you share your material consistently on social media networks.
The best time to post
Using the application Tweroid, you can determine the best time to send updates about your blog post on Twitter. It is among the most beneficial free Twitter marketing tools available. Utilize Facebook Insights, the social media platform's own statistics tool, to determine the best publishing times.
Appeal Of Post Updates Visually
Write a remark about the blog post in your own words when you share it on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+ to encourage readers to read it. The majority of networks (LinkedIn and Google+ included) will automatically display a thumbnail image from the post, so always remember to provide a photo with the post.
Facebook also allows you to select a different display photo from the one it picked as the default and automatically shows the post photos.
These varied choices enhance the visual appeal of the social media posts you upload from your site.
Cross-post your blog updates to several social networking sites.
Let's take the example of sharing a post on Facebook that includes a lovely graphic and perhaps even a quote. You can post a link to that picture's location on Pinterest (you should definitely have a Pinterest account if your blogs have lots of graphical elements). This will make it easier for your Facebook fans who also have Pinterest accounts to pin the picture.
Some of your readers might be pressed for time or unwilling to share the entire article. You might include a click to Tweet feature for various significant quotes on your blog article for these viewers. This will instantly generate a link from the reader's Twitter profile back to your site.
Use hashtags with words associated with your post and include them in your Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ updates. These hashtags make your blog easier to find.
Direct Messages
Send direct or private messages to those who have shared your material in the past or to a fresh group of friends and followers who may be interested in new blog entries.
On Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, you can exchange direct messages. Reaching out personally can sometimes have a significant impact on expanding the social media reach of your material. But be careful not to overdo it because that can result in more unfollows or unlikes.
4. Establish Connections With Other Bloggers
Being aware of other bloggers in your niche is an obvious sense, but what can you do to use that knowledge to advance your own blog? Here are a few easy strategies for using other bloggers' influence on social media for your own site.
Share and Read
Read, share, and leave comments on other bloggers' posts via Twitter to show support or thank the knowledge offered. Include the blogger's Twitter handle when @mentioned. Although you can remark on a post's page as well, this approach notifies the blogger right away who is commenting.
The blogger will undoubtedly visit your site if you have the URL listed in your Twitter profile (and there is no reason you shouldn't), and they may even return the favor by following you on Twitter.
List the specialists
Link back to the bloggers in a post titled "Top 10 List of Bloggers In (Your Niche)". They will undoubtedly acknowledge a link back and make a post about it on each of their social media accounts.
For subject matter experts in your field who don't have blogs, you may use the same approach. They might share your post on their numerous social media platforms as a result of a mention.
Posting as a Guest
Invite bloggers in your niche to contribute to your site as guests, and then do the same for them. This not only provides you with links from websites in your niche but also a chance for them to post and update content about your blog on social media.
5. Share Your Blog Posts on Social Media
Share your blog content on popular websites with a large audience, such as Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and Reddit. But keep in mind that this tactic has been overdone in the past, making social bookmarking less successful than it previously was.
You will need to dedicate a little more time to try to bookmark, like, comment on, or share other blog posts in order to make your presence on social bookmarking sites noticed. Increased engagement on your own post bookmarks will result from this.
6. Forum Advertising
Many reputable forums in virtually all genres forbid sharing a link to your blog unless you have been an active participant and have responded to other members' questions. Therefore, you should only use this social media blog advertising advice if you plan to invest a lot of time in forums related to your industry.
Simply enter "niche + forum" into the search bar on Google to find forums in your niche. as in food blog plus forum. Boardreader, a search engine for forums, is another option.
7. Be a Part of Social Networks
Join communities on Facebook and LinkedIn that are related to your niche. These are effective venues for promoting your blog and yourself. Instead of aggressively promoting your blog, you may begin by participating in discussions and answering questions from readers, just like you would in a forum. In the future, you might exchange links to blog postings.
Meeting up with others in your social network in person or virtually is another way to socialize. Utilizing Twitter Chat and Google Hangouts, online gatherings can be planned.
A Twitter chat might be scheduled in advance or it can be unplanned and involve @mentions of the other participants.
8. Keep in Mind Your Old Blog Posts
You shouldn't just post new content on social media. You should share older content as well. You might occasionally share any of your older blog entries that are still relevant or are currently trending.
It would be wonderful to gain new followers who haven't seen those posts previously. You might alter the titles of your earlier blog entries in your social media updates to minimize redundancy with older followers.
9. Share Parts Of Your Content
Instead of relying solely on the click-to-tweet plugin, you could share more significant parts of your post as a social media profile update. You are not required to include links to your blog in such posts. This would be a novel variation of updates that your fans and followers might appreciate.
These are some quick social media marketing ideas for your blog. Social media marketing can be enjoyable, and the results are well worth the effort. As an added bonus, social media signals help your blog's search engine ranking.
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